Components Of A Quality Throwing Program

To help parents and young athletes in their quest to become the best players they/their child can be, I wanted to provide a basic outline of what the best throwing programs I’ve seen incorporate to get results. This obviously isn’t a fully comprehensive list but if you are looking to train somewhere that doesn’t have one or more of the following, I would strongly reconsider. So, without further ado, here is my list of what a throwing program NEEDS to have:


Assessment/Reassessment Process

Any program worth a damn should include a movement screen of some sort (FMS, TPI, etc.), video breakdown, range of motion assessment, strength assessment, etc. The Coach/Program needs to understand physical limitations, strengths, weaknesses, of each athlete and know where to begin programming. If a trainer/coach doesn’t appreciate an athlete and what their movement profile, skeletal structure, etc. can present, it’s only a matter of time before injuries happen. A vast majority of injuries that occur while training can be prevented. Making an informed decision on what exercises/drills an athlete should or shouldn’t be doing as an absolute MUST. If where you currently train doesn’t assess AND reassess their clients, RUN. Being able to evaluate if/where improvements are being made and making an INFORMED decision on where to alter programming to minimize this risk. Which brings me to the next point…. read more

First “Off” Season At Prime Performance

I thought I’d write a brief article discussing the ups, downs, and everything in-between of what happened this fall/winter with my throwers here at Prime Performance. If you’d like to follow us on social media, here are the links: Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter. Overall, we averaged an increase of 2mph across all participants, but that number jumps to 4 mph only including throwers who started before December 1. All throwers were also required to join our performance training class as well to correct basic movement patterns and increase total body strength, awareness, etc. read more

Off-season Workouts: Where Are You?

By Alex Shapiro

It is December and most high school baseball programs are kicking off their off-season workouts while some may be well underway. Off-season workouts are critical in determining how prepared a player is for the season as we all know. Workouts may be consist of hitting the weight room, the track, or could include open hitting sessions for players, among several other things that benefit a team and its players. However, off-season workouts are not mandatory. I struggle with the word mandatory in regards to off-season workouts as a coach, as I am sure some of you out there reading this article do the same. We, as coaches, probably scratch our head from time to time wondering where some guys are when they are not showing up and perhaps even why. I get it—some players have jobs, some play other sports, and some do things on their own, which is great, no doubt about that. Some things come up from time to time like doctor’s appointments or tutoring sessions, and some just do not show up at all. But, there are some things players need to know about off-season workouts and why their attendance is in fact mandatory. read more

Self-Fulfilling Pain Culture In Baseball

By Stephen Osterer (@drsosterer)


When a player comes to you talking about being in pain, as a coach, you are immediately thrust into a position of responsibility and confronted with some difficult decisions. Do you pull the player out of the game? Switch them to a different position? Keep them in to win the championship?

Obviously there are a lot of variables that need to be taken into account and no cure-all blanket answer exists. It is not as simple as ‘I always take the player out’ or ‘we need to win this game.’ Our opinion is that we need to breakdown and analyze the situation as much as possible in order to make an informed, case-by-case decision. We believe that this begins with an understanding of what the player is communicating to you. read more

From Playing to Coaching: The Transition Is Yours To Make

By Kyle Rogers, DS Power Training

I was watching the Radford and Auburn game with my buddy who went to Radford and is now an infielder in the Baltimore Orioles organization and one of the Radford base-runners got a good dirt ball read and took second base and my friend and I looked at each other and said, “Man I miss college baseball.”

It was so funny to me how something so small such as a good dirt ball read could bring back so many emotions and make me miss being a college baseball player. I was a right-handed pitcher at a NCAA Division II school in North Carolina called Belmont Abbey. I had a pretty successful college career and probably could have continued playing in an independent league somewhere, but I was happy with the way my baseball career had gone so I decided to hang up my cleats and trade them in for some trainers and a fungo and I could not be happier with my decision. read more